Thought I would show you all some pix of my recent trip to Whitstable...
Lying on the north Kent coast, this historic little town has a fascinating array of quirky buildings and independent shops. With a little help from the trendies in London, who have adopted it, Whitstable has grown in popularity in recent years. So expect to find a decent latte and some organic fruit!
Joking aside, it has retained many of its charms, while remaining a working port. Their world famous oysters are another reason for people to pop down there.
Long time resident Peter Cushing still has an influence over the town. A wonderfully restored Art Deco cinema has been named after him. Although some people will balk at it now being a Wetherspoon's pub, they've worked hard to retain the history of the building, with numerous Cushing memorabilia and even some of his original watercolour paintings. Worth a visit for that alone.
Find his lovely little house down on the seafront as well. The front is named Cushing's View in his honour!
After walking along the winding Oxford Street, discovering theatres, museums, art galleries, antique shops and cafés you finally reach the sea. A blast of North Sea air will greet you there. Looking out to sea you can find a wonderful example of the old and new side by side. The rusty old Maunsell sea forts from the Second World War next to the 21st century wind farms.
Head left and discover the amazing Old Neptune pub right on the beach, and the elegant seafront houses all braving the punishing weather on this exposed part of the coast.
Heading the other way and you find the working port and further up a selection of beach huts. Look closer and you can see the owner's sense of humour, with some funny names on their huts!
Head back and finish up in the splendid Tea & Times café for a perfect tea and sausage sarnie!
Now for the pix........!
I love Whitstable! Taken from a seawall sculpture on the front. |
The elegant seafront houses. |
They each have these great sea-themed motifs on them! |
The dramatic Old Neptune pub. Bring your wellies if the tide is in! |
Lovely old boat left abandoned near the seafront. |
Shiver me timbers, the best beach hut in Whitstable! |
Peter Cushing pub, pop in for a pint and a browse around the memorabilia. |
Peter Cushing's house with an amazing sea view! |
Vintage-on-Sea, my kinda town! |
Tea and sausage sarnies here! |
The museum, just one of the many quirky buildings. |
Vintage sign, still pointing the way. |
Even the oyster shells are recycled here! |
Perfect end to the day, a dramatic sunset moment, up the coast at Seasalter. |
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