Having just created an Instagram account (finally!) the other day, I'm now trying slowly and surely to build up a feel of what I do on there.
But I do still love this blog though!!!!
It was my first real foray into an online presence, and has given me the platform to showcase my work, show a few photos and items, and let people know when I'm at a vintage market.
Times change of course, and sadly not many people have the patience to read lengthy blogs anymore.
So the likes of Instagram is the simplest and quickest way to get your stuff out there.
This blog though still gets a very healthy amount of views, which I'm quietly very proud of, and very grateful to everyone who has a look. Its very much appreciated!!!!
So do please keep in touch on here for news of markets, new photos and stock.
Just to let you know as well, that my next market will be BRIDPORT VINTAGE MARKET in Dorset, on 27th March.
See you there!!!